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  • British Legal History and Culture (История Великобритании и ее правовой культуры)

    Автор:  Алешко-Ожевская С.Терновская И. Английский язык
    1 150 ₽
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    ISBN: 978-5-8354-2036-0 Количество страниц: 206 Год издания: 2024 Издатель: Статут Вес: 253 Код: 4919

    British Legal History and Culture highlights the most important periods in the legal history of the United Kingdom from 1066 up to 2005 with the emphasis on major historical events and prominent figures, the development of government and law, the evolution of the legal system. The textbook helps readers to better understand legal English as it appears in contemporary written contexts, to master reading and speaking skills, to use terminology effectively and to acquire the background knowledge necessary for further studies in law and history.

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